The Last Mapmaker – Enora

This book is about Sodsai, a famous mapmaker’s assistant. She plays the part as a well bred young lady when instead she is a poor low-life girl with a thief for a father. Until the day she is given an opportunity to join an expedition to map a whole new continent, but things don’t go exactly how she was planning. Because everybody has a secret on the boat, and some are darker than she expected. 

This book has a lot to say about class because everybody has a different life according to the amount of money they have. Sai is in a very low class, which makes it much harder to move up, get into a school and find work. And since the kingdom is only run by the queen a lot of people will be left without money and home. This complicates the life of the characters and they would have been better off without it.

One of the characters I found most interesting was master Paiyoon because he was trying his best to drive the ship off course to map other seas so that the mace of land would not be discovered and colonised by the queen. I think that this is a very brave decision because he could have gotten a lot of credit. 

I enjoyed this book because , even though Sai thought she was the only one with a secret most of the secondary characters had one which made the book more interesting because the beginning was a bit long and uneventful. I give this book a 9 out of 10.

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